Sunny day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way
To where things aren't so sweet
Can you tell me how to get
Get away from So Scary Street?
Yep, even yours truly was not truly immune. As if you haven't already guessed from this blog's title, I'm about to share the moments that never failed to give me the willies. Some of these moments I didn't start to get over until junior high, or even high school; even now, this very day, a shiver or two will still crawl along my spine.
So, if you dare, mates, proceed with great caution. (And apologies in advance for the sucky quality of the images!)
10. King Minus
This one didn't make me seek protection from the couch, but it was still bizarre watching, even by today's standards. If you're at all familiar with the old Greek myth, King Midas was blessed with the curse of "the golden touch," except here, "King Minus" has the gift/curse of making things disappear, "like magic subtraction."
Naturally, this gift comes in handy when dealing with four awful dragons (special emphasis on "awful")...
9. "Danger (It's No Stranger)"
A song about safety from "How Now Brown and the Moo Wave" that's every bit as catchy as it is creepy. Most people deem it pretty cool now, myself included, but even I have to admit it may be a bit much for much younger viewers.
If this song doesn't convince you to take care out there, nothing will.
8. Cookie Monster trying to eat Guy Smiley
I'll be honest: out of all the Sesame Street characters, Cookie Monster is my most favorite by a long shot. He's the "monster" I consider the funniest and most charismatic, and I relate to him the easiest. I'd love to cuddle with that blue fuzz and pig out on cookies with him, provided he doesn't get to the last cookie before I do!
But this is the one segment that made me legitimately afraid of him. This is that one moment in which he makes a serious attempt to eat another person (when I was little, I thought I saw an actual bite taken out of Guy Smiley's arm) and chases that poor person all over the place and out of the scene.
In this clip, Cookie Monster is indeed a monster, and not the fun kind. All I can say today is: thank heaven this happened no more than once.
7. "What Happens Next"
I had a bad dream involving this segment, and I think that's what got to me above all. While I know they were trying to be funny, there was something about that "Charlie Chaplin doppelganger" that turned me off; somehow, something about people with facial hair never sat well with me when I was little.
It turns out the "doppelganger" was Maria all along, and I still think that costume doesn't become her, least of all when she breaks the fourth wall with you.
6. The Magic Mirror
Did Disney's version of "The Slave in the Magic Mirror" ever make it tough for you to sleep at night?
His role as the Giant from "Jack and the Beanstalk" was no treat, either:
"Aww, they often come to visit, but they never stay!"
I wonder if the poor guy ever felt bad for traumatizing children like this. I'm willing to bet he did.
5. The giggling skeleton
Count von Count singing a song that teaches kids about the human skeleton? Good idea!
Giving that skeleton (who never speaks or moves on its own at any other time) a totally unexpected and utterly terrifying laugh? NOT so good idea!
Listening to that laugh now only reminds me of how much it spooked me then. 'Nuff said.
4. Humpty Dumpty
Whose brilliant idea was it to invent a fairy tale puppet that looked like this?
There was even a full episode in which Mr. Dumpty kept trying (in vain) to find some special place where he wouldn't break and he looked worse and worse every time they put him back together, to the point where I just had to ask, "Why did they keep bothering?"
I mean, this image speaks for itself...yeesh!
3. "Count to 10 With Nobody"
For real, what were those guys thinking?
2. "Wet Paint"
I don't know if it was the eerie music, the constant splashes of paint that looked like colored blood, or the "Wet Paint"-induced nightmare I once had, or all of the above. Most likely the latter.
If not for what I'm about to reveal next, "Wet Paint" would have topped my list with no trouble at all.
1. A talking stormcloud
No, thank you, thank you most kindly!
With no further ado, mateys, I'm getting out of here!
And before I go, just so I'm not leaving you on such a frightening note, a very happy Leap Year to you all! This is a day we shan't see again for another four years, so make the most of it!