Thursday, March 12, 2015

Amethyst and Darkheart

Terence and Tristan's dam and sire, with a story that would give William Shakespeare a run for his money. In fact, I like to think of their story as that of Romeo and Juliet, minus the suicide.

You can get the picture: mare falls for stallion, stallion falls for mare, parents on both sides not only disapprove but do everything possible to keep their children apart. Some unicorns are friendlier than others, but between Amethyst and Darkheart's parents, we're talking a legitimate feud here. There's more than one reason for this bad blood, but suffice it to say that whenever they cross one another's paths, there's bound to be trouble. 

Still, that didn't stop Darkheart and Amethyst from falling head over hooves for each other. They became determined to become mates at any cost, and when their parents refused to give their blessing, the young unicorns were obliged to run away together. This came at a heavy price indeed; Amethyst's heart was all but broken, and even Darkheart was affected so much more by the loss of his parents and his home than he would have readily admitted. Unbeknownst to them, their parents' hearts were also shattered. 

For a little while, Darkheart and Amethyst got along very well. They soon had their first foal, Tristan, and Darkheart's relationship with his boy was a far cry from the one he'd shared with his own father. Before too long, Amethyst found herself expecting yet another foal. 

However, before this second foal was born, something happened that drove a serious wedge between Amethyst and Darkheart. Darkheart ended up walking out on his mate and his son, and he never came back. Neither Tristan nor Amethyst were ever the same after that.

Terence became Amethyst's sole reason to go on living. Despite having to raise him alone, she took up the slack remarkably well. For the first few years of Terence's life, he was inseparable from his mother. 

Tristan believed for the longest time that Amethyst favored Terence over him. Of course, she adored both her sons, but there was only so much of her to go around, and Terence easily required the most time and care. Still, Tristan saw it and took it the wrong way. 

It might have been all right if Darkheart had come back sooner, or never left at all, or if Tristan had at least been able to talk things out with his mother. Unfortunately, Amethyst died while Terence was still quite young. Now Terence and Tristan were all alone. 

To make matters worse, Darkheart was just about to come back to Amethyst. After going away, he'd had plenty of time to cool down and reconsider, and his love for Amethyst ultimately got the better of him. He resolved to go back to her, plead for her forgiveness, and try to make things right with her. As commendable as his resolution was, it came just a little too late. 

Eat your heart out, Shakespeare.

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