Saturday, May 29, 2021

Musical May - Day 29 - Piano Man

Now that there's a little more free time on my hands and I've had some rest, I was able to put a little more heart into this drawing and I really like it. I've always had a soft spot for Billy Joel. #Day29 of #MusicalMay.

P.S. By the way, I'm okay. I didn't mean to make my situation sound so dire. Like I said, work's been hectic lately; this is what happens when a lot of people quit within a short time of each other, albeit for valid reasons, like a new job or a new baby or moving. We did get a new girl just today and she looks like she may turn out all right. Only time will tell. 

Plus, my family did some early Memorial Day stuff yesterday since we won't be able to do them all on Monday, which just so happens to be my day off. So, no sooner did I get home and change my clothes than we went out to put flowers on Grandma and Grandpa's grave (that in itself is at least a 45-minute drive) and then we did the same for Dad's grave. My sister met us at both places with all four kids and her hubby, so naturally, we had to visit each other for a little while.

By the time we finally got home, it was well past 9:00 and we ended up getting dinner from Chick-fil-A, and I'd only had a few pieces of candy and crackers from the ride, soda and water from work, and a bowl of cereal at breakfast. Needless to say, I was on the verge of collapsing (almost literally) from hunger as well as fatigue.

Today was a bit easier. They let me go home as soon as we got through the breakfast rush; they probably sensed how tired I was and everybody knows how many hours I've been working lately. My boss even apologized to me for working me so much, praised me up and down for being such a trooper, and teased me, "With all this money you're getting, you should get yourself something nice!"

At least I am getting paid for this. And to think, I quit my previous job because I wasn't getting enough work. Go figure.

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 Mom and Dad, 42 years