Tuesday, October 24, 2023

2023 Inktober 24 - The Ghastly Grinner

When I was younger, we stayed well clear of the show, Are You Afraid of the Dark? I wanted to watch it more than once, but my sister and mom said no way.

Even so, I was able to catch at least a couple of episodes, and to this very day, I must confess that's pretty bold for a show aimed at kids. It's amazing how much people test the limits of what you should put in a TV show, a movie, or a book where there are children present. How much kids can really handle depends on who you ask. Personally, I don't believe in dumbing anything down for kids, but I believe in a certain limit, too.

Not too long ago, I checked out The Tale of the Ghastly Grinner, which is cited (for excellent reason) as one of the most disturbing episodes of all. There's something about scary clowns that just plain creeps people out. Like I said before, this is bold. 

And now we've only got one week left, one week and one day until NaNoWriMo.

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