Sunday, May 26, 2024

BMM 26 - Stepsisters Lament

Why should a fellow want a girl like her,
A frail and fluffy beauty?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
A solid girl like me?

 She's a frothy little bubble
With a flimsy kind of charm
And with very little trouble,
I could break her little arm!

Oh, why would a fellow want a girl like her,
So obviously unusual?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
A usual girl like me?

Her cheeks are a pretty shade of pink
But not any pinker than a rose is
Her skin may be delicate and soft
But not any softer than a doe's is

Her neck is no wider than a swan's
She's only as dainty as a daisy
She's only as graceful as a bird
So, why is the fellow going crazy?

Oh, why would a fellow want a girl like her,
A girl who's merely lovely?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
A girl who's merely me?

She's a frothy little bubble
With a frilly sort of air
And with very little trouble,
I could pull out all her hair!

Oh, why would a fellow want a girl like her,
A girl who's merely lovely?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
A girl who's merely me?

What's the matter with the man?
What's the matter with the man?
What's the matter with the man?

Once again, there's no Wikipedia bit on this song, so I'll skip to my own thoughts.

In hindsight, this is a surprisingly profound song despite its silly, petty tone. People do tend to favor those with a beautiful outward appearance; not that there's anything wrong with physical beauty, but sometimes the personality of that person gets overlooked, among other things.

In some works of fiction, like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey, the guy does some pretty awful things to the girl, yet she not only puts up with it but embraces it and stays with him because he's just so hot. Of course, it works just as well (unfortunately) the other way around; a certain guy will do anything to keep a certain sexy girl by his side, no matter how horrible she is.

In my opinion, a pretty face is a pretty poor substitute for an ugly personality. I put that belief to excellent use in my own fictional work.

Adela only wants Romulus and Tallis because they're so handsome (and so important) and she assumes her own pretty face qualifies her as much as any other girl. Those who know the whole story can't blame Romulus or Tallis a single jot for avoiding her like the plague, including her parents.

But this song makes me think of Kaylee's sisters the most, when they're stewing in their own ridiculous envy of Sheena and feeling sorry for themselves when they're not trying so hard to make Troy reconsider. Of course, Lavinia and Daisy are nowhere near as bad as Catherine, and their own mother is plenty jealous in her own way. It's Catherine and Lottie who won't hesitate to break Sheena's little arm or pull out all her hair if they could get away with it. 

So, this song does a great job at adding more depth to Cinderella's stepsisters, even making them a bit more sympathetic, if only a tiny bit. 

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