Friday, October 25, 2024

Mel's Inktober 25 - Spirit and Rain

Holy smokes, I can't tell you how many times I watched this movie growing up. No, really, I can't.

With that being said, I continue to enjoy this movie very much. I still have the DVD and I own a digital copy on Amazon Prime. It evokes nice childhood memories and still holds up quite well today. Shame they don't make movies like this anymore.

This movie helped me a great deal in both horse anatomy and facial fluidity; my characters are a lot more expressive and I've gotten better at depicting such emotions. 

But I don't think the so-called sequel holds a candle to this. I guess it's okay for people who are that nostalgic for the first movie and who really, really like horses, but I'll pass, thanks.

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 Mom and Dad, 42 years