Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Angry Birds Addiction

I've been a huge fan of the Angry Birds game for several years, since about 2012, I think. I like to collect bits of merchandise when I can, and I enjoyed the 2016 movie when I finally got around to watching it; it was a bit crude and somewhat predictable, but I still give it a hearty B-plus.

But I have to say I love Angry Birds Toons most of all. I've seen pretty much every episode by now, and I hope there will be at least a few more later down the road. They're funny, clever, sometimes touching, and always wonderfully animated; it's a real treat to see something that's not (completely) computer-generated for a change.

While I love all the characters, I must confess, Chuck is my all-time favorite. I can never get enough of that slick yellow devil!

(To quote Master Shifu, "The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.")

 (Even a piggy has to celebrate a birthday!)

(In cartoons, it's sometimes unwise to look down, and sometimes it's even unwiser to look up!)

 (Of course, can't forget the official logo!)

(Somebody give that poor birdie a big hug right now!)

(Wish I were that comfortable in the water.)

 (When it comes to swimming, I'm in the same position as Red!)

(CANNONBALL! No, really!)

(At least it's more sanitary than the Lake of Wisdom!)

(It's moments like these that really endear the series to me.)

(*rubs hands together and cackles gleefully*)

 (Ah, Chuck, you're such a tease!)

 (Even though they screwed up royally in this episode, you can't help but pity them.)

 (That grin gets me every time!)

 (This makes me want to pull out my art supplies right now.)

(Always a little time on the side for a puzzle or two!)

(Aww, how cute! Regardless of whether or not this pairing is "official.")

(Popcorn always tastes a hundred times better when it's shared!)

("Don't worry, buddy, I got ya covered!")

(Chuck's smile needs no fixing whatsoever!)

(It's one thing to LOOK like you're on the job.)

 (Don't mess with Matilda!)

(I can see myself doing all of the above.)

 (Would I sound too weird if I wished that were me Chuck was snuggling up against?)

(I hate to see a grown bird cry.)

(DUCK! Hee, hee, I just had to say that!)

 (I'll say it again: Chuck's smile absolutely kills me, and I mean that in a good way!)

("How stupid do they think we are?" If there was an award for major stupidity, no nominees would be required!)

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Happy Anniversary

 Mom and Dad, 42 years