Tuesday, October 17, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 17

Holy smokes, I'm more than half-done with "Inktober" already! Time does indeed fly when you're having fun, and this challenge has been a lot of fun. Some sketches turn out better than others, obviously, but overall, I'm enjoying the challenge and learning to "loosen up" as an artist. I'm learning that not everything I post has to be absolutely perfect or even particularly good. Of course, striving for high quality is always commendable for anybody, but no one needs to be so OCD all the time, you know?

Okay, here we go. Theme 17: "Graceful."

A genuine scene from my novel-in-progress. I'm a hopeless romantic and this is where I pour the romance in by the bagful. Terence and Rhiella are both wonderful dancers; they'd fare very well on Dancing With the Stars.

Definitely a picture I'll have to draw again...eventually.

Disney theme 17: "Aladdin."

No words, mates. No words.

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