Monday, October 23, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 23

I made it! I survived to the end of an exhausting yet rewarding work spree. Now I have the next four days all to myself, to rest and recuperate.

Just in time, too. I badly need a break. Even when you work with decent people, the deli does take a toll on you; my nerves often get fried along with the chicken and corn dogs and potato wedges. Sometimes I'm lucky to remember my own name. I have a whole new respect (and sympathy) for fast food workers. Major, major kudos to them.

So, presenting the themes for day 23! One theme is "Juicy."

Berries are Terence's favorite food in the world, especially strawberries. (I can never look at a strawberry anymore without thinking of him. Not that that's a bad thing, by any means.) But he certainly wouldn't say no to some tasty apples! He also develops a fondness for fig cakes, apple scones, and little crunchy biscuits. He doesn't care too much for meat but he will eat fish and venison, and he learns to love handheld chicken pies.

Overall, he's a certified bottomless pit; he can outeat almost anybody, and you know something's up with him when he refuses to eat.

Disney theme: "Silver Era."

Hands down, my favorite movie from this era (1950-1967). I got a great deal of inspiration from this story for my Terence story, in huge, heaping spoonfuls.

I remember my older sister used to be terrified of Maleficent. I, myself, found her kind of freaky, too, though I refrained from jumping behind the couch like my sister did. That scene in the fireplace is definitely the essence of nightmares, with the dim lights, those ominous yellow eyes shining through the shadows, and if you pay super-close attention, you can hear that high, otherworldly voice singing, "Au-ror-aaaa..."

Almost makes me want to sleep with the lights on, even now.

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