Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Day 16

Okay, all of this art is starting (heavy emphasis added) to take its toll on me and my Sharpies. I'll keep going but I will definitely take a few days off when this is over.

To paraphrase a famous saying, "Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going, going, going! What do we do? We go...go...go!"

For the official sixteenth entry: Angular. The dictionary defines "angular" as "having an angle or angles," "bony, lean, or gaunt," and also "stiff in manner, unbending." Sounds a lot like Tallis to me.

For Disney 16: Pets. I would have loved to call any of these four-legged Disney characters a pet.

For Fantasytober 16: Sphinx. I do the ancient Egyptians a world of justice...NOT!

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