Thursday, October 4, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Days 3 and 4

Silly me. I remembered the art, but forgot the post. Oh, well, I guess it's bound to happen at least once...especially if you stay up until well past two in the morning! I'm not as inclined to go to bed when I don't have work the next day, and I have a difficult time settling down anyway.

So I'll just have to post six pictures on this blog instead of the usual three.

For day 3: Roasted. Nice, fluffy marshmallow chickens on a stick; get 'em while they're hot!

For day 3 of Disney: Red. Oh, bother, Pooh Bear! How are we supposed to get down from here???

And for day 3 of Fantasytober: Dragon. Both my gray Sharpie and my drawing hand hate me for this!

Day 4 for the official: Spell. Could this be from Harry Potter? Possibly; I just wanted to do something simple, with all the art I've made already and all the art I've yet to make.

Day 4 for Disney: Cinderella. I could have made this more elaborate, but once again, simplicity was the way to go! Besides, I find it rather funny.

And day 4 for Fantasytober: Dwarf. Looks like somebody's got second thoughts!

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