Monday, February 18, 2019

Mac and Decker

When I was in college, I drew these guys for our literary journal, Metaphor. This was back in 2015...back when my dad was still alive.

Even though I only drew those guys once, I've thought off and on about drawing them again, about (quite possibly) putting them in a comic strip or something.

Well, here they are in a more recent (and slightly more refined) drawing. Right now, my ideas for them are very basic, but I think I came up with a decent name for each of them.

I well imagine Mac would be a very sour apple, even though he's red, and Decker would be all slick and suave and somewhat vain because he knows everybody prefers chocolate to apples. Delicious conquers nutritious!

Well, as it is with all my other characters, I guess I'll just have to wait (and work on them) and see what happens.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Happy Birthday, Oreo!

Happy birthday to my baby sister, Corie-Oreo!

She's not TWENTY-two; she's twenty-TWO! There's a certain order to these numbers, you know!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Much love to you all, mates! This marks my fourth Valentine in a row (and my second one involving Terence), and I plan to keep this tradition going a while yet!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Happy Birthday, Josh!

Out of all the months of the year, February holds the most birthdays for my family. First we have my first nephew, Josh, born on February 8, 2013.

Then we have my little sister, Corie, born on February 15, 1997 (yes, she missed Valentine's Day by mere hours).

And finally we have my last nephew (for now), Lucas, born on February 23, 2016.

So today, a very happy birthday to Nephew #1! Hard to believe the Stud Muffin is already 6 years old; they really do grow up so fast!

P.S. I just remembered that we have three birthdays in December, too, so that means December and February balance each other out. Oh, well, close enough!

Pinocchio Day

 85 years