Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Healing Power of Gratitude - Day 3

Today, I #GiveThanks for the YouTube channel, Ann Reardon's How to Cook That
Strange as it may sound, Ann Reardon is just so warm, friendly, funny, and charming; I love the sound of her Australian-accented voice, and watching her recipes (some of which I GOTTA make one of these days) just relax me so. Whenever I'm feeling blue or seeing red, watching or listening to a "How to Cook That" clip really helps.
Even better, unlike places like "So Yummy" and "Tasty" and "5-Minute Crafts," Ann Reardon is the real deal. She doesn't repeat the same cheap footage over and over just to boost her numbers, and she actually gets creative with all this stuff.
She sounds like someone I would absolutely love to meet face to face.

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