Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Healing Power of Gratitude - Day 6

Today, I #GiveThanks for writing and good books. Books can be extraordinarily therapeutic as well as entertaining, and that's why I hope to put a few books of my own out there one of these days...if I can actually finish those darn things!

I first thought up Reid's story in 2017, but Terence's story goes all the way back to 2005, or somewhere around that year. I really, honestly feel both stories have potential to be good; the main struggle is making the stories sound as good as they do in my head. For all the struggle, they're also a lot of fun and they've pulled me through a few slumps. 

Of course, where would my own books be if not for the books that inspired me in the first place? 

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 Mom and Dad, 42 years