Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Disney Musical May 23 - Bella Notte

Oh, this is the night
It's a beautiful night
And we call it "bella notte"

Look at the skies
They have stars in their eyes
On this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one,
You'll find enchantment here
The night will weave its magic spell
When the one you love is near

Oh, this is the night
And the heavens are right
On this lovely bella notte

Would you believe this song and this sequence almost got cut from the movie?

Apparently, some cynic assumed the audience wouldn't be interested in a sappy scene of two dogs sharing lovey-dovey eyes over a plate of spaghetti.

Not only was this cynic completely ignored, but now this is the most famous moment of the whole movie, the scene that everybody thinks of first. You never see a video cover of Lady and the Tramp anywhere without some variation of their romantic dinner.

Goes to show that some constructive criticism (some, mind) should be thrown out with the trash.

I wonder how many more plates of spaghetti and meatballs were consumed because of this. It's definitely my most favorite dish, although I also really love my spaghetti with shrimp, chicken, and Italian sausage. I wouldn't say no to a bit of lobster, either.

Gee, I had lunch not too long ago and I'm already making myself hungry again. 

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