Friday, May 26, 2023

Disney Musical May 26 - My Name is James

My name is James
That's what Mother called me
My name is James
So it's always been

Sometimes I forget
When I'm lonely or afraid
Then I'll go inside my head
And look for James

 There's a city that I dreamed of
Very far from here
Very, very far away from here
Very far away

There are people in the city
And they're kind to me
But it's very, very far away, you know
Very far

They'll say, "James, James, James,
How are ya?
Isn't it a lovely day?
James, James, James,
We're so glad you came here where we are
From so very, very, very far!"

My name is James

Technically, James and the Giant Peach is a Disney movie, and since I finished the book not so long ago, it seemed very fitting.

As much as I enjoyed the book, I say the movie is one of the few cases where it's superior to the book. I really appreciate how they further fleshed out the Giant Insects and magnified the definition of family.

It goes to show that no matter what you look like, if you've got love, you've got a family.

I also appreciate how James Henry Trotter chooses to remain a kind, sweet boy when he would have a rather excellent excuse not to be. He never forgets who he is, where he came from, and where he truly belongs. Like a younger, male version of Cinderella.

Proving Miss Spider's words true, "Nobody can make you do anything if you do not let them." 

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