Thursday, October 17, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 17

At last, I'm caught up! I know, I know, I don't have to do this; no one is forcing me and there's no prize or anything.

It's all in pure fun, which is why I'm doing it in the first place. And this has been a steady streak for the last three years, and I'm one to keep a good tradition going. Besides, it's good practice for being more of a finisher. If I'm ever going to get my writing or art career off the ground, I need to learn to finish what I start.

Anyhow, I present to you "Inktober" number 17: Ornament. Another unicorn, yes, but I wanted something that wasn't quite so complex...or your typical Christmas ornament.

Number 17 for "Fantasytober": Vampire with a Blood Cocktail. Never was a big fan of vampires, mainly because I never had the stomach for bloody scenes or the overly sexualized type, and don't get me started on Mrs. Meyer's infamous sparklies. However, I positively adore Dracula from Hotel Transylvania, mainly because he's a nice guy for a change, albeit a somewhat weird one with a slightly dark sense of humor.

This marks my first 2019 entry with a bit of color outside of the black and white.

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