Saturday, October 19, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 19

19 entries down, 12 to go; 38 and 24 if you count "Fantasytober." Steady on, as the British say!

Day 19 of "Inktober": Sling. Naturally, my favorite kind of "sling" came to mind; that is, Angry Birds. And while I have been meaning to do some fan art for some time, this marks the first time I've actually gotten around to doing it. Incoming!

Day 19 of "Fantasytober": Monster and Spider Scaring One Another. If there's one thing in the world I can't stand, it's a spider. Any living thing with more than four legs (or less than two) gives me the willies something awful. But they say spiders are more scared of us than we are of them (which I find rather hard to believe) and this was a real riot to draw! I always like to go whole hog with crazy facial expressions whenever I can. Which creature do you think scared the other first, and the worst?

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