Monday, October 7, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 7

A full week into "Inktober," and so far, so good.

On the side, Mom got a new bed today. Well, it wasn't really new; it used to belong to Mom's friend, Kayalauna, but when she got a new bed, she let us have the old one for free, since it's still in good condition. We're still keeping our old wooden frame and everything, so the only difference is the mattress is a bit higher and firmer to the touch, but quite comfy.

Now, on to the art. For lucky number seven: Enchanted. This is one of my favorites, but also one of the biggest pains in the butt to draw and clean up. I spent almost the entire day on this alone, and I had the day off from work, too.

For "Fantasytober" #7: Cute Bat. Bats have never been my specialty, but at least I did something harmless and adorable for a change, and this gave me less of a headache than my "Enchanted" entry. I also listened to Sesame Street's "Batty Bat" to set the mood.

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 Mom and Dad, 42 years