Wednesday, October 26, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 26 - Friendly Fox

I've always loved foxes. I couldn't get enough of Disney's Robin Hood as a kid, and I quite liked Tod from The Fox and the Hound. Nick Wilde from Zootopia is rather cool, too, as is Fox from The Animals of Farthing Wood

(Images property of their respective owners.)

I'm still juggling names for this particular fox. I'm deciding between Ace, Alex, Ian, Jack, and Brody. 

But he is, as the title denotes, very friendly. He's talented in many ways (a skilled runner, jumper, swimmer, you name it) but he remains humble and he encourages other animals to do their best. He always keeps an eye out for the little guys, like Pip the Mouse, and he's especially good friends with Flossy the Hare. 

Age-wise, he's somewhere in his late teens. He still lives at home with his parents and one or two siblings, all of which I have yet to invent. While they're a perfectly fine, stable family, he often turns to Grandpa Owl for advice, or when he needs more than one set of listening ears.

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