Tuesday, July 31, 2018

End of July and Good Ol' Snowbird!

Last week (Pioneer Day, to be exact), I had a chance to go up to Snowbird with my family. We'd gone there a few times when I was growing up, but we haven't been there in YEARS

We only stayed a few hours (the boys had work the next day and we wanted to leave before it got too dark; Mom's not crazy about driving in the mountains, let alone at night), but it was the best fun I'd had in a long time. 

Besides hanging with the family, there was plenty to eat and drink, and the scenery was gorgeous. The highlights of the trip were going on a hike with Aunt Esther (my dad's big sister) and one of her grandsons, and afterward we went swimming in the condo's pool. I even got a new swimsuit, with a new shirt and shorts, just for the occasion. 

I love swimming...but apparently my body's not used to it, because I was VERY sore afterward. I think it didn't help that I swam just after a hike, so my body was pretty much screaming at me, "Hey, I'm not used to this kind of thing!

And the next day, I was snapping and cracking and popping like a bowl of Rice Krispies just after you add the milk. 

I guess you would ache at anything you don't do on a regular basis. I remember going horseback riding once, and three days went by before I could sit comfortably again. 

Regardless, it was great fun and even good therapy. And, of course, I took plenty of pictures with my phone to preserve the memory. 

And now we have reached the last day of the month, which leads me to say this:

Bye, bye, bye, July!

Pinocchio Day

 85 years