Friday, April 1, 2016

My Upcoming Series

As just about everyone who knows me knows, I've got a fantasy series in the works, a series that (believe it or not) dates all the way back to 2005. Because it continues to thrill me to this very day, that must be a sign that it's meant to be put on paper.

Terence is the main hero, and I think it's safe to say he is one of the best characters (if not the best) I ever invented or will ever invent again. He's already quite popular on my deviantART and Fanfiction accounts, and he's even got a Facebook page all his own (which I plan to revive as well). I think the reason people like him so much is because he's very human, even before he becomes human. He skirts the line between childhood and adulthood; he's not a kid anymore, but he still has a great deal to learn. He knows how to have fun, and he knows how to be serious (maybe a little too serious).

Besides Terence, there are so many other fascinating characters, both good and evil, that I'm steadily warming up to myself. Don't know how many stories I'll write in total...and I'll need to train myself to focus on one adventure at a time. 

Today, I managed to pull off a little harmless April Fool's prank by telling everybody that my first book was ready for public viewing, and when they clicked on the link I gave them, they got this:

A few people actually fell for it, too. Goes to show how eager they are to read my stuff, which is most heartening.

But when I do land a book deal for this sucker (for real), this will most definitely warrant a mega-huge announcement, as well as some kind of personal reward. At any rate, here's hoping I can make this story sound half as good as it does in my imagination.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years