Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy Birthday, Lizzie!

Is my lovely niece six years old already? Where does the time go, man? Seems like only yesterday we were at the hospital, and now she's going to kindergarten with three (count 'em, three) little brothers underfoot.

Love you bunches and bunches, Pumpkin Pie!

Monday, December 26, 2016

The 12 Fantasies of Christmas

Through the twelve days of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Twelve blazing dragons

Eleven mermaids swimming

Ten elves a-flaunting

Nine dancing dryads

Eight hearty hobbits

Seven dwarves a-mining

Six trolls a-trolling

Five magic rings

Four leprechauns

Three phoenixes

Two forest fauns

And a unicorn as white as the snow!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Goodbye, B&N

It's official: I'm no longer working for Barnes and Noble. I withdrew on Saturday. The job wasn't what I thought it would be and my hours were just too few.

Still a big downer, though. While my ultimate dream job is to write books and screenplays and make art, I'd dreamed about working at a bookstore for years. It's almost like a breakup.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years