Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

Happy 93rd birthday, Grandpa. We love and miss you so much. 

Glad you and Grandma didn't have to live too long without each other, given how long you've been married. Hope you still get to banter with Dad like the good old days. 

These may be my maternal grandparents, but Dad is one of those people who not only love their in-laws, you can't even tell where they were grafted into the family tree to begin with. Since Dad lost his own dad at a very young age, it must have been wonderful to have Grandpa fill in that glaring gap, and then some. 

Stay in the buggy, you handsome old dog. Stay as pretty as you are. Keep wiggling. If you just barely make it into heaven, at least you can say you made it.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years