Tuesday, September 20, 2022

My FanX Art

Here's the art I'm selling at FanX this year. I paid a boatload of money for decent prints (all but cleaned out my savings account and had to ask Mom for a little extra help) but in the event that my physical stock runs out or someone doesn't want physical clutter, digital images will be available for a reduced price. 

This is also my "digital catalog," hence the corner numbers.  

FanX 2022

A major dream coming true is just on the horizon! On September 22 through September 24, I shall have the privilege of attending FanX in Salt Lake City!

Not only that, but I shall be in the show itself!!!

It's been a long, tedious, highly expensive process; pretty much all my money has been spent. 

But it's for a worthy cause. I will have a chance to meet a few childhood idols face-to-face, my art will be in the public's eye, and with any luck, someone will like me enough to buy my stuff, and I'll make back what I put out with some interest on the side. 

As for the celebrities, the ones I'm guaranteed to meet in the flesh are the ones I paid for a special "photo op." Those weren't at all cheap, either, and had I more money, I would have paid for more. 

But I did pay for a photo op with Jodi Benson...

...AJ McLean from Backstreet Boys...

...Cary Elwes from The Princess Bride...

...and Steve Burns from Blue's Clues

(Images property of their respective owners.) 

I'll show the art I'm selling in a separate blog, but I daresay this is my best work yet. Of course, I had to make the extra effort due to this stuff going to a public place to sell for cash. My buddy Kel helped me out, so she'll get a decent share of whatever profits I earn. 

Oh, boy, this is so exciting, and so-o-o-o-o nerve-wracking! I hope I'll be able to sleep these next two nights.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

21-Year 9-11 Tribute

I've been making a little memorial collage for September 11 for quite some time now. 
It's with great bittersweetness that I present to you the collage to mark year 21 since that dark day.
And here's last year's memorial: 

Pinocchio Day

 85 years