Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday!

Happy Easter, everybody! Hope you all had a nice one!

And happy birthday to Grandpa Dahl, who would have been 96 today.

Who is the old and handsome dog?
Grandpa’s the old and handsome dog
Who’s very handsome, but not a frog?
Grandpa’s very handsome but not a frog
Handsome dog
Not a frog
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa, Grandpa Dahl!

Who gives out gifts of Andes Mints?
Grandpa gives gifts of Andes Mints
Who’s always handy with helpful hints?
Grandpa’s so handy with helpful hints
Andes Mints
Helpful hints
Handsome dog
Not a frog
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa, Grandpa Dahl!

Who’s always very warm and huggy?
Grandpa’s so very warm and huggy
Who’s always saying, “Stay in the buggy”?
Grandpa always says, “Stay in the buggy!”
Very huggy
Stay in the buggy
Andes Mints
Helpful hints
Handsome dog
Not a frog
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa, Grandpa Dahl!

Who’s got the cozy fireplace?
It’s Grandpa’s cozy fireplace
Who’s got that big smile on his face?
Grandpa wears a big smile on his face
Smile on face
Very huggy
Stay in the buggy
Andes Mints
Helpful hints
Handsome dog
Not a frog
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa, Grandpa Dahl!

Who’s ready to fish in the stream?
Grandpa just loves his fishing stream
Who feeds us cookies with cool ice cream?
Grandpa’s got lots of cool ice cream
Fishing stream
Cool ice cream
Smile on face
Very huggy
Stay in the buggy
Andes Mints
Helpful hints
Handsome dog
Not a frog
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa
Must be Grandpa, Grandpa Dahl!


Thursday, March 14, 2024

2024 New Phone

Or, more accurately, a more updated version of my previous phone. My uncle got one for me and one for my mom, which is super-duper nice of him.

Then I had a lot of fun picking out a new case. The hard part was deciding what color and design I wanted. 

Pinocchio Day

 85 years