Friday, March 6, 2015


As anyone who knows me knows, I'm possibly the world's biggest sucker for unicorns. I've always adored fantasy. As a kid, I kept bouncing back and forth between the unicorn and the Pegasus as my all-time favorite fantasy creature. Today, I think it's safe to say that the unicorn ranks #1 in my book. 

I can never get enough of The Last Unicorn (both the book and movie), or The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville. I'm also quite fond of the comic strip "Phoebe and Her Unicorn," initially published under "Heavenly Nostrils." (I still plan to call it by its original title.) 

I'm a bit bummed that there aren't more books and movies out there in which unicorns play a significant role. Then again, this means my own books (which feature, you guessed it: unicorns!) will stand out all the more. 

1 comment:

  1. Have you read the Firebringer trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce?


Pinocchio Day

 85 years