Monday, March 9, 2015

Bad Boys

With every hero, there's a villain. Where Terence is the good guy in my story, Scorpio is the bad guy.

No doubt about it: out of all my characters, Scorpio's given me the most grief. I struggled with everything about him (and I mean EVERYTHING) for the longest time. Even now, I'm still fine-tuning him. But the good news is, I believe I finally have some idea of who he is and what I want to do with him.

On the surface, Scorpio appears as your typical villain. For some reason, he's absolutely hell-bent on finding Terence and destroying him. He's as hard on his followers as he is on his enemies, and he makes little to no distinction between those he's after and those who get in his way.

However, there is more to Scorpio than meets the eye. Don't want to give too much information away, but he's more, so much more, than just some cold-hearted sadist; he does what he does for understandable if unjustifiable reasons.

As if Terence didn't have enough with Scorpio, he's got a few werewolves to worry about, too, especially Moloth, the leader and possibly the most feared werewolf of them all.

I'm no fan of horror. I don't read Stephen King and I wouldn't watch a Freddy Krueger flick if you paid me in diamonds. So you'd be surprised at Moloth and his gang; they say it's a smart move for writers to write outside their comfort zones, and this is definitely out of my comfort zone. (Far out!)

I guarantee these werewolves will be nothing like Twilight's perpetually shirtless shape-shifters. They would make Jacob into a throw rug and polish off Edward and Bella, and still have plenty of time for breakfast.

While I've yet to figure out how to draw Moloth's entire gang (there are five werewolves besides him), I have come up with passable designs for two of them, Titus and Vulcan.

Titus is one of the smaller, scrawnier werewolves, but he's easily the most insane member of his gang, which makes him one of the most dangerous. Rumor has it that he was already mentally unstable as a human, but becoming a werewolf sent him completely over the edge. He usually gets his pleasure at someone else's expense and harbors immense fascination in the most twisted, bizarre things. He would give the Joker, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Azula a run for their money.

He's supposed to come in patches (white and crimson), and I've yet to refine those patches. At least I got his creepy-as-heck smile just about right. Yeesh!

Vulcan is one of the biggest and strongest werewolves. Unlike Titus, he's quite mentally sound, but he keeps to himself and seldom utilizes more than two or three words at a time. Moloth would have had some mighty fine competition with Vulcan as the leader if Vulcan had showed any actual interest in leading the pack.

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