Thursday, September 29, 2016

Joker Terence

Felt like drawing my boy as the infamous Clown of Crime. I'm not exactly thrilled with the results. The hand definitely sucks, though the background (which took up almost 20 layers) satisfies me.

Just in time for Halloween!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Visiting My Alma Mater

My family and I paid a visit to Weber State University today. Has it only been a year since I graduated? It feels like it's been much longer. It feels like I should still be a student, too.

So many memories, such a bittersweet feeling...the more so with the knowledge that Dad was alive while I was going there, and that he died only a month after my graduation.

It's possible I may go back for a Master's degree. If that does happen, it definitely won't be any time soon (especially with the student loans already heaped on my plate), and with luck, I'll be able to pay the tuition myself. For now, I'm satisfied with a Bachelor's degree, and I've also benefited from college in many, many other ways. It wasn't always a picnic and I won't lie about wanting to call it quits more than once, but I can say in all honesty that I have no regrets...besides borrowing so much from the government and repeating two math classes twice.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years