Friday, November 18, 2016

Big News!

I got a new job at Barnes & Noble! Yay!

Granted, it's only a seasonal job for now...but you never know. During today's orientation, we got introduced to a few high-ranking workers who started out as Christmas workers, and they really keep an eye on those people who "bust their butts" at the place.

This is a dream come true. For many years, I've talked about wanting to work at a place like Barnes & Noble or Deseret Book, or some other bookstore or library. I start full-time this Monday. They'll have me work only a few hours at first, only a few days at a time, and then as I get used to the routine, they'll have me stay longer more often. I'll have to work a Sunday or two, unfortunately...but as long as that doesn't happen too often, I guess I can live with that. A few of my own friends and family have jobs that require them to work some Sundays, too. I suppose you can always maintain that Sunday attitude, and I can still listen to hymns and do my own scripture study at home.

I'm thrilled and scared to death, and a little sad about leaving my old job at Deseret Industries. I always knew my DI job wouldn't be permanent, just like how I knew college wouldn't be permanent...but you just get used to the routine, you know?

Oh, well. They say you get stagnant if you're stuck in the same place for too long. And maybe, in a way, being nervous is a good thing; it means you're aware that it's a big deal and you treat it as such.

My family's plenty proud of me, and tonight, we celebrated my success with a scrumptious Sizzler dinner. I can still taste that lobster, medium-rare steak, fat fries, hot rolls (they give you all the rolls you can eat), raspberry lemonade, and chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

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