Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2018 Sketches

Turns out I'm not quite done with the rough sketches yet. Hey, the ideas just keep nagging me until I put them on paper...and I'm not trying to fight them anymore, anyway.

I have to say, these sketches keep getting better and better. With every drawing, my characters are a bit more refined. Practice really does make perfect.

Besides, I had a bit of a scare the other day when my laptop went down, and I thought I'd lost my most recent artwork. Nothing I couldn't draw again but we all know how gutting it is to lose your hard work, especially for artists and writers. Thankfully everything is saved and backed up now. All the same, I'm playing it a little "extra safe" by posting them here.

Let's see if any of these actually make it to full Technicolor!

Pinocchio Day

 85 years