Monday, March 5, 2018

Big Batch o' Pictures!

Well, after seven long, faithful years, my old laptop has officially kicked the bucket. But my family was generous enough to pitch in for a new laptop, so I didn't have to wait long. (Thank heaven I was able to save all my old files in the nick of time.)

Took me a couple of days to get used to the New Gizmo, but I think we're getting along just fine now.

So here we are with (yet another) round of rough sketches. They're too much fun to resist, and they relieve me from the woes of work, which has become increasingly stressful due to the shrinkage of our team. Nobody seems to last for long; one girl quit after being with us for only two days, one of our best workers recently got the boot (though I heard he scored a new job at Pizza Pie Cafe), another coworker has busted her hip (and even if she recovers, who knows if she'll be back), and out of the original team when I first came, there are only two or three members left. Makes me wonder how long I'll last.

But anyway, like I said, these drawings help to purge me of my negative emotions, from work and life as a whole. Art has always been terrific therapy.

Holy smokes, the ideas for these illustrations just keep coming and coming...and I haven't written a quarter of the story yet.

(Thus marks the beginning of my art from New Faithful!)

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