Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Sound of Money

Sung to the tune of Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence." It's one of my less funny parodies, but I really love the rhythm of the lyrics.

Hello, cold cash, my old friend
It’s time we cut a deal again
Who cares about a bit of stealing?
Who cares how humans may be feeling?
Everybody knows that those with the most pay
Rule the day
Within the sound of money

On fortune’s road I walk alone
Gold’s as hard and cold as stone
My heart feels nothing tender
While my fingers feel that legal tender
I live this rich life day after day, year after year
All I hear
Is that sweet sound of money

And in the world beyond my door,
Living the bleak life of the poor,
People breaking while they’re bending
People making without mending
People sending checks that never make it back
No greenbacks
Disturb the sound of money

Only a Scrooge like I would know
Greed worse than a cancer grows
Serve me with a silver platter
What glitters? Only gold matters
And each note, like a silent raindrop, fell
And echoed in the wells of money

And the people bowed and prayed
To the paper god they made
We’ll go on forever cashing
Till the market comes crashing
And we all find ourselves drowning
In a raging sea of debt
Nothing’s left
But the whispers, the sounds of money

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