Monday, May 31, 2021

Musical May - Day 31 - You Raise Me Up

And there we have it, the final entry, and a rather sweet one, too. (I always like to end on a positive note.) Thanks, everybody; that was fun. See you next time! #Day31 of #MusicalMay.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Musical May - Day 30 - Rag Doll

The next-to-last entry, inspired by my favorite song from Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. It's a simple enough song, but extremely catchy, with a heartfelt message about a girl who deserves heaps more love than she gets. Something we can all relate to. #Day30 of #MusicalMay.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Musical May - Day 29 - Piano Man

Now that there's a little more free time on my hands and I've had some rest, I was able to put a little more heart into this drawing and I really like it. I've always had a soft spot for Billy Joel. #Day29 of #MusicalMay.

P.S. By the way, I'm okay. I didn't mean to make my situation sound so dire. Like I said, work's been hectic lately; this is what happens when a lot of people quit within a short time of each other, albeit for valid reasons, like a new job or a new baby or moving. We did get a new girl just today and she looks like she may turn out all right. Only time will tell. 

Plus, my family did some early Memorial Day stuff yesterday since we won't be able to do them all on Monday, which just so happens to be my day off. So, no sooner did I get home and change my clothes than we went out to put flowers on Grandma and Grandpa's grave (that in itself is at least a 45-minute drive) and then we did the same for Dad's grave. My sister met us at both places with all four kids and her hubby, so naturally, we had to visit each other for a little while.

By the time we finally got home, it was well past 9:00 and we ended up getting dinner from Chick-fil-A, and I'd only had a few pieces of candy and crackers from the ride, soda and water from work, and a bowl of cereal at breakfast. Needless to say, I was on the verge of collapsing (almost literally) from hunger as well as fatigue.

Today was a bit easier. They let me go home as soon as we got through the breakfast rush; they probably sensed how tired I was and everybody knows how many hours I've been working lately. My boss even apologized to me for working me so much, praised me up and down for being such a trooper, and teased me, "With all this money you're getting, you should get yourself something nice!"

At least I am getting paid for this. And to think, I quit my previous job because I wasn't getting enough work. Go figure.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Musical May - Day 28 - Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows

I had to rush this one because I wasn't home for the greater part of the day and I am positively beat. Work is murder these days...almost literally. 

At least I got to unwind a little and this was still a little fun to make. Kind of like the song itself: short, maybe a bit too short, but cute and decent. #Day28 of #MusicalMay.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Musical May - Day 26 - Abracadabra

Another drawing that exceeded expectations. I prefer the Sugar Ray version myself, but the Steve Miller Band version is rather cool as well. #Day26 of #MusicalMay.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Musical May - Day 24 - Pocketful of Sunshine

We could all use a pocketful of sunshine these days, goodness knows. Hard to imagine there's only one week left for this challenge. #Day24 of #MusicalMay.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Musical May - Day 23 - You Don't Own Me

Another personal favorite. True love is NOT about keeping the other person on a leash, or flaunting them in public like a rare trophy. People are people, not pieces of property. #Day23 of #MusicalMay.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Musical May - Day 22 - Bad Moon Rising

I must admit, I creeped myself out a little with this scary moon face! Amazing what a bit of liberal imagination will lead to. #Day22 of #MusicalMay.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Musical May - Day 21 - We Will Rock You

This was based on a real stage performance I attended a few years ago, where a bunch of people dressed up as "cave people" danced around to this song with giant (Styrofoam) boulders. It was really adorable and very clever. #Day21 of #MusicalMay.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Musical May - Day 20 - Old Time Rock and Roll

Still like that old time rock and roll/That kind of music just soothes the soul/I reminisce about the days of old/With that old time rock and roll! #Day20 of #MusicalMay.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Musical May - Day 19 - Raindrops Keep Falling

Sometimes being out in the pouring rain isn't a bad thing. There is something to be said about a little happy dance in the rain. #Day19 of #MusicalMay.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Musical May - Day 18 - Tearin' Up My Heart

I had to do at least one *NSYNC song, and when I first heard this song in my youth, I really did visualize a guy on his knees with his heart in his hands, ripping the whole thing up like tissue paper. This was the least graphic way I could portray it. #Day18 of #MusicalMay.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Musical May - Day 17 - Material Girl

Money may be nice and all...but it doesn't buy happiness. That's pretty much all I've got to say about this piece. #Day17 of #MusicalMay.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Musical May - Day 16 - You're So Vain

While there's nothing wrong with liking what you see in the mirror, we can surely all agree that narcissism isn't great. After all, a mighty fine line separates confidence from conceit. #Day16 of #MusicalMay.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Musical May - Day 15 - The Last Unicorn

A piece very near and dear to my heart. That's one book and movie I doubt I will ever get sick of. Of course, it's thanks to that story (in part) that we've got the story of Terence, which led to the story of Reid, and the story of Beowulf, and so on and so on. Talk about a ripple effect! #Day15 of #MusicalMay.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Musical May - Day 14 - White Flag

Today was a long, exhausting day and I was feeling a bit lazy, so I kept this drawing nice and easy. I still like it, though. #Day14 of #MusicalMay.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Musical May - Day 13 - Beat It

There comes a time when you must prove yourself the better man or turning around and running as far in the opposite direction as fast as you possibly can! #Day13 of #MusicalMay.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Musical May - Day 12 - Superman is Not Easy

It's always incredibly tough to be the good guy. It can be dangerous, thankless, and just downright unpleasant...and yet, it's all worth it. To me, the best heroes are the ones who keep pushing on when they have every reason on earth to throw in the towel and nobody would hold it against them. #Day12 of #MusicalMay.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Musical May - Day 11 - Bad Day

We all have that "bad day" at some point or another. I remember having a pretty rough day myself, and this song popped up on the radio during the ride home. Few times (that I can recall) has a song resonated with me so well. #Day11 of #MusicalMay.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Musical May - Day 10 - Two Princes

This one was surprisingly easy, and a lot of fun, too. This song is also quite appropriate for most of my stories. Just go ahead, now. #Day10 of #MusicalMay.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Musical May - Day 9 - Roar

Just like Miley Cyrus, I'm not a fan of Katy Perry...but I could listen to "Roar" all day long. I'd already read Life of Pi (assigned college reading, not fabulous but far from terrible) and we shall see whether or not I see the movie all the way through. #Day9 of #MusicalMay.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Musical May - Day 8 - Eye of the Tiger

Quite self-explanatory. I rather had fun with the stripes. Tigers have always ranked among my most favorite animals in the world. #Day8 of #MusicalMay.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Musical May - Day 7 - I Believe I Can Fly

Mmmm...not one of my better drawings, but at least the song is cool. I couldn't get enough of this song when I was younger, and of course, I always pictured the singer with actual wings, like Icarus. #Day7 of #MusicalMay.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Musical May - Day 6 - Brick House

I must confess, I didn't expect this to turn out well at all. But now I rather like it! Don't you love it when you exceed your own expectations? #Day6 of #MusicalMay.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Musical May - Day 5 - Crocodile Rock

Elton John has always had terrific songs but this is one of THE best out there. The "naaaa-na-na-na-na-naaaa" bit is my most favorite bit. Even the remix by Nelly Furtado is pretty awesome, and I'm usually not a fan of remixes. #Day5 of #MusicalMay.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Musical May - Day 4 - Stop in the Name of Love

One of my all-time favorite songs, and as we all know, love is extremely serious business. No wonder so many people get into all sorts of trouble over it. #Day4 of #MusicalMay.


Monday, May 3, 2021

Musical May - Day 3 - Walk Like an Egyptian

My most favorite so far! I've always been quite fascinated with ancient Egypt. History was never my best subject (never my worst, either) but I consider myself a bit of a history geek. #Day3 of #MusicalMay.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Musical May - Day 2 - Party in the USA

Not a huge fan of Miley Cyrus (not a fan at all, really) but "Party in the USA" is one of my guilty pleasures, and I'm a born-and-raised American. #Day2 of #MusicalMay.


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Musical May - Day 1 - Build Me Up, Buttercup

Just for fun, I'm participating in the #MusicalMay challenge, which is a bit like #Inktober. For this, you simply take a random song and illustrate whatever pops into your head, using any medium you like. 

I'm using Sharpie marker because it's quicker and a whole lot easier to fix up in Photoshop. 

So, yeah, the first thing that popped into my head for this song: anthropomorphic flowers. Nothing fancy but it's a start.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years