Monday, June 20, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today marks the day that I turn 34, believe it or not. And I still feel like I belong in high school, despite it being seven years since college graduation.
It's been a quiet day, but a very nice one. I got the day off from work, so I got to sleep in for as long as I liked. At lunchtime, Mom suggested take-out, and so I suggested Chick-fil-A, and we picked up my cake from work itself while we were at it. (One of the nice things about working for Kneaders is an employee discount!) 
My cake was a super-thick chocolate mousse with strawberries on top. Very nice, but super decadent. For the ice cream, we got chocolate brownie and cotton candy.
Dinner was Spaghetti-Os with cucumber slices and carrot sticks, and after dinner, I wanted to watch Pinocchio. Then Mom and the kids surprised me with a few presents: a new pair of jeans, a new pair of pantyhose (it's amazing how quickly those things wear out), a Spongebob shirt, and a bag of gummy frogs.
Christine brought her kids over for the movie, the cake, and the ice cream. 
The majority of my day was spent relaxing, listening to music, and working on another FanX piece, a piece featuring Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket. Since I love that movie so much, and it's a certified Disney classic, I had to pay some kind of homage to it.

That's about it. Like I said, quiet but nice. 
Let the next year of my life roll!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Happy Birthday, Terence!

I've seen the mystics play there
Once or twice, but I knew they had a reason
Enchantment plays its cards all right
Hand in hand
With the workings of the seasons

Legends can be now and forever
Teaching us to love for goodness' sake
Legends can be now and forever
Loved by the sun
Loved by the sun

Two and two go so close together
Whether there is hope that is torn apart
In the words of all that's singing
Hand in hand
The beginning is at the start

Legends can be now and forever
Teaching us to reach for goodness' sake
Legends can be now and forever
Loved by the sun
Loved by the sun

Who sings of all of love's eternity?
Who shines so bright
In all the songs of love's
Unending spells?

Only lightning strikes all that's evil
Teaching us to love for goodness' sake
Hear the music of love eternal
Teaching us to reach for goodness' sake

Legends can be now and forever
Teaching us to love for goodness' sake...

Sweet songs of youth
The wise
The meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth
The wise
The meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth
The wise
The meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth
The wise
The meeting of all wisdom

To believe in the good in man
To believe in the good in man
To believe in the good in man...

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Missing Dad - 7 Years Later

Back when I was a child,
Before life removed all the innocence,
My father would lift me high

And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me

And I knew for sure I was loved

 If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love

To dance with my father again


When I and my mother would disagree,
To get my way I would run from her to him

He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah

Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night, when I was asleep,
He left a dollar under my sheet

Never dreamed that he

Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step
One final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

 Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me...

 I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved?
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord, she's dying
To dance with my father again

Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

"Dance With My Father" ~ Luther Vandross

Pinocchio Day

 85 years