Friday, June 9, 2023

Temple Trip

Today, I enjoyed a very nice trip to the Bountiful Temple with my mom and my older sister.

(All images property of their respective owners.)
It's always so sweet and quiet, and I often have to turn my head a little to see if my dad, grandma, and grandpa are sitting right there beside us.
I know they're there. I don't see why they wouldn't be.

You gain a greater appreciation for Father Adam and Mother Eve here. I feel they're very badly misunderstood; they deserve to be venerated rather than vilified. I also found Satan's influence on the world rather frightening, even as I felt reassurance in the Savior at the same time.
Leaving is both a relief and a disappointment. You're glad to go home but you feel like the session ended way too soon. Guess that's a good thing because that means you have the right attitude.
As we were walking out the main doors, I saw some ominous storm clouds in the distance, and I couldn't help noting the spiritual symbolism. Outside the gospel, the world can be a dark, turbulent, and scary place. But where the temple was, it was bright, sunny, and calm. Just like how when the Savior calmed the raging sea, the sea was still raging on all other sides; He only created a sort of eye, like the eye of a hurricane.

And when I go home, I feel as refreshed as if I'd just come out of a nice, hot shower. I feel ready to return to the world and try again, so to speak.
So, it's all a matter of when I come back to the House of the Lord, not if. I really look forward to the dedication of the Layton Temple, because that one's practically down the street. With so many temples in our vicinity, we really should make a greater effort to go more often. Loads of people have worked and saved for several years just to be able to go once.
Of course, that doesn't mean we can go just any old time. We need to make sure our recommend is current, among other things. But it'd be worth our while to go every couple of months or so, at the very least. I always try to go when I have the day off from work, so I don't have to worry about watching the clock and there's nothing else to occupy my mind.
As the Primary song goes, I love to see the temple. But I love going inside even more.

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