Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye, 2017! Hello, 2018!

Hard to believe we're ushering in a whole new year already. Seems like only yesterday that we were ushering in 2017. Time just has that uncanny way of speeding up as you get older, dunnit?

Well, 2017 was a good year for me, when all is said and done. I can think of more good things about this year than bad, and here's hoping 2018 will be the same way. No year is perfect, of course; my only hope is that the ups outnumber the downs.

Resolutions? You bet! I'm a believer in resolutions; there's always room for improvement.

Come 2018, I resolve to:

* Read more often (I have a TON of books sitting on my new bookshelf)

* Get a little more involved in music

* Look a little more vigorously for another job (but I will stay at WinCo until that actually happens)

* Move around more often, even if it's just taking a little evening walk

* Create more colored art

* Try to complete at least one manuscript; even if it's not published yet, by this time next year, I hope to have a coherent story that you can read from start to finish.

Nothing else to say for this blog, other than: tally-ho!

Final Batch of Sketches

Yeah, couldn't help myself! My art is one thing I'm definitely proud of this year (even if most of them are very basic sketches), and here's hoping 2018 will be just as productive, if not better.

Monday, December 25, 2017

12 Fantasies of Christmas - Day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Twelve blazing dragons!

Eleven centaurs prancing!

Ten flimsy fairies!

Nine mermaids swimming!

Eight hearty hobbits!

Seven dwarfs a-mining! 

Six flying horses!

Five magic rings!

Four mountain trolls!

Three phoenixes!

Two forest fauns!

And a unicorn as white as the snow!

Pinocchio Day

 85 years