Saturday, December 9, 2017

More Sketches

I'm strangely addicted to these sketches. I just can't seem to stop drawing them. Well, there are worse hobbies (and worse addictions) to have, right?

I do hope to post some full-color art soon, and to color all of these eventually.

And one of my 2018 resolutions is to (try to) complete at least one manuscript by the end of the year. Even if it's not published yet, I hope to have one coherent story that you can read from start to finish. Wish me luck with that!

And now, I present to you...more sketches! I still think Romulus and Tallis are totally hot, and now I'm recognizing Reid's handsomeness, too. Good looks run in the family!

On the side, I already own a couple of commissions for these new characters, courtesy of my buddy Dolphy. I've probably commissioned her more than any other artist. Not at all surprisingly, she does a fabulous job, every time. I feel like a little kid opening a gift at Christmas or a birthday, and I'm never disappointed when the "wrapping" comes off!

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 85 years