Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Art

Another Christmas has (almost) arrived! Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating last Christmas; 2018 has really flown, man.

One of my special holiday traditions (besides watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, which I have done this very evening, and listening to "100 Hours of Christmas" and eating a truckload of chocolate candy) is participating in online "Secret Santa" events. Since I love art, and I have lots of time and very little money on my hands (work hasn't really improved, I regret to say), this is perfect for me.

Luckily, in these events, no one cares how well you can (or can't) draw. The only rule is that you have to spend honest time and care on it, and of course, try to finish it as soon as possible. After all, if you expect someone to give you something, it's only fair you give something in exchange. And I know what it's like to not have someone else keep their end of the bargain; the worst part is when they don't bother to give you an explanation or an apology. It's like they disappear into thin air.

Well, I finished my last entry tonight, and I think they all turned out great, if I do say so myself!

Merry Christmas (Eve), mates!

 (This was a bonus for someone who didn't get their gift last year.)

(This was also a bonus piece, and due to time constraints, I decided to speed it up by drawing and coloring by hand, though I still took time to polish the whole thing digitally. Incidentally, the person wanted mixed media anyhow!)

P.S. Just for the record, this is what I have received in exchange; I love seeing my characters in other artists' unique styles!

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