Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID-19 and Earthquake

Hoo boy...this has been quite a month, and the next few weeks won't be a picnic, either.

Everyone's nervous about this Corona-virus (or "COVID-19") floating about, so they've issued a mandatory quarantine for pretty much the entire world. (Yeah, you should know about that, since it's happening to you as well as me.) So I've been out of work for nearly a week, and I'm really hoping my job will be secure when we can finally "come out of hiding."

As if that weren't stressful enough, I experienced my first ever earthquake on March 18, right after St. Paddy's Day. It ranked at 5.7, and it happened in Magna, which is right next to Salt Lake City, and I essentially live next door to Salt Lake. So my area was barely affected, but I felt it, all right.

That rumble and the way my house rocked made for one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I spent the entire day in a big bundle of nerves; I was like a little kid hiding under the covers all over again. Some people who used to live in California claim a quake like this is nothing, and I guess it all depends on what you're accustomed to. And since I'm not accustomed to a natural disaster like this, it only makes sense that it would shake me up so much (pun partially intended).

The good news is that nobody was hurt, even at the epicenter...though certain buildings got some ugly damage, and there's still a huge mess to clean up. And we've felt aftershocks off and on; sometimes I wonder if I'm really feeling an aftershock or if it's just my own paranoia.

According to the seismologists, Utah has earthquakes all the time and we don't feel most of them, so what we felt on Wednesday was a bigger "hiccup" than usual. Doesn't make me feel any better, and this stress coupled with the stress from COVID-19 does not make for a pleasant mix.

I think this little drawing of mine sums it all up:

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