Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

Well, another Christmas has come and (just about) gone. Hope yours has been a good one, mates.

Mine wasn't all that eventful, but nice for the most part. The best part by far was not having to get up at the crack of dawn and not having to worry about work at all. I could just sit back, put my still-sore feet up, and relax. 

Gift-wise, I got some Bath & Body Works body wash and spray (Winter Cherry Apple), an adorable unicorn lamp for my desk, new clothes (including new Sunday shoes that I've been needing badly), a stuffed hippopotamus (one of my favorite songs, incidentally), a small handful of video games, an Alexa, a wrist rest for my laptop, and my very own Kindle. I also got a nice gift basket from work, free of charge. 

Most of the day was spent playing on my laptop and listening to Christmas music. I love Christmas music by all means, but I'm noticing a serious lack of creativity as far as the mainstream stuff goes. I can only take so many versions of "Winter Wonderland" and "Chestnuts Roasting" and "I'll Be Home for Christmas" and "Jingle Bell Rock." I wish we had more unique songs, like Josh Groban's "Believe" and *NSYNC's "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" and Wilson Philips's "Hey Santa." At least Michael Buble's version of "Santa Baby" is more interesting because it's sung from a guy's perspective, so he gets brownie points for adding a refreshing twist. 

Food-wise, we had chocolate chip waffles, bacon, strawberries, orange juice, and chocolate milk for brunch, and for dinner, small sandwiches on rolls that I brought home from work alongside a little veggie tray, cheese and cracker tray, and soda pop. 

My sister came over with her kids and spent most of the day at our house; we made sure to give them a few extra presents, too.

Also, one of my high school chums swung by with her brother to give me a lovely horse calendar for 2022, and they even included a couple of autographs from Frank Welker that they got from FanX, just for me. That was really nice of them, and I'm sending their gifts in the mail. 

And that's about it. 

Hard to believe there's barely a week left in the year. It's been a real up-and-down year, that's for sure, and no doubt 2022 will be a big roller coaster ride in itself. But here's hoping the ups of that year easily outnumber the downs. I have made two resolutions already: getting cracking on my writing and my driving; I'm determined to get my driver's license and have a coherent story you can read from start to finish. 

So, once more for the road: merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night. 

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