Monday, January 1, 2024

My New Year's Theme

And so begins a brand-new year. I'm well aware that 2024 won't be perfect, but there's still something refreshing about a new chapter. You already know all is not going to be well in the book you're about to read or the movie you're about to watch, but you still look forward to the story.

What are my resolutions for this year?

Well, it's more like a New Year's Theme, actually. I got the idea from a news story years ago, where a woman used a specific word to revolve her whole year around, like "hope" and "dream" and "believe."

This year, my special word will be "Finish."

I've always been great at starting things. Getting those things done, not so much. And so I aim to see certain tasks all the way through in 2024, or at least make a better effort.

This includes the completion of:

1. The Book of Mormon

2. More books for personal reading (don't know how many, but there are some books I started to read for fun and then dropped)

3. The organization of my bedroom

4. More artwork

5. At least one short story and at least one novel

6. My driver's license

Good luck to the rest of you, and once again, Happy New Year!

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