Sunday, December 31, 2023

Art of 2023

While 2023 was nowhere near as good a year for art as 2022 had been (because 2022 was the year of FanX), I still got some pieces that I'm pretty proud of. 

The most gratifying of all were the acrylic paintings, not only because of their spiritual theme, but also because I got to do a bit of old-fashioned art for a change, with only a few minor digital tweaks to make the whole thing look better. I dabbled in acrylics a few times in college, so it was a nice little trip down Memory Lane. 

Can't say how much art there will be in 2024, but I can assure you there will be some. 

I'm really going to crack down on my writing as well. The Wolf at the Door with Beowulf, which I intend to publish first, is just about done; it only needs some more polishing. And I've made some great progress on Christmas With the Windwillows as well, though I think I'll wait to publish that one because it's a separate novel with a few serious spoilers. But it did help me figure out a few other parts of my original series, which is great. Every little bit helps.

My ultimate New Year's resolution is to be more of a finisher, to tie up as many loose ends as possible as soon as possible.  

Well, ready or not, here comes the New Year. Let the fun times roll! 

P.S. Here's all of the art I've done for this year: 

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