Monday, May 27, 2019

Writing Quotes

As an aspiring writer, I'm as insecure about my own work as the next. 

More than once (and more lately) I've been wondering if I'm just wasting my time and energy. I wonder if any of my stuff will ever make it to the bookshelves, or will ever be deemed "that good." While I feel I have some genuinely good stories (worth telling, at least) in my head, I worry that I won't be able to get them all down on paper or do them enough justice. Everything sounds a thousand times more epic in your private imagination.

I don't expect to make a fortune, although it sure wouldn't hurt if that ever happened. If nothing else, I want to write the kinds of stories I can personally enjoy. I want to be able to read what I wrote with my own eyes and think, "This isn't bad at all!"

The thing is, my self-esteem has never been strong. While it's not as bad as it was in my childhood days (I'd say junior high marked my lowest point), I don't feel like there's much, if anything, about me worth mentioning. But people do tell me I write very well; Mrs. Cannon was the one to light that spark, and I will admit that my writing has improved dramatically since college. So I don't feel quite as bad that I'm not published yet.

Still, there's that constant whisper of doubt...always nagging somewhere in the back of your mind.

And so I felt I could use a few "inspirational quotes" to perk myself up.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Corie's Vista Graduation

This actually took place on Wednesday, but I wasn't able to upload the photos until now.

My baby sister, Corie-Oreo, has officially graduated from Vista! It's basically a "post high school" program for kids with special needs; they go to this school for four years (starting at age 18, ending at age 22) and that's when they get their high school diploma. It's also a work training facility, helping special needs kids become more independent, more familiar with technology, develop better communication skills and better manners, and all that jazz.

Both my brothers also attended Vista, so this means Corie is the last one.

Unfortunately, Mom couldn't be with us that night (Grandpa had a medical emergency, and while he was in good hands, Mom needed to be with Grandma more than anything else, since Grandma can't function on her own anymore), but Christine filled in for her, and of course, we both put our phone cameras to good use!

And tonight, we will have that celebratory dinner, with Christine joining us once again. Just for the record, Corie has opted for dinner from Wendy's.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Kids and Unicorns

Time for a happy post!

I like kids and I like unicorns, so both make for a lovely combo. Today, the most adorable little girl came into my work with her mom and younger brother. She was wearing this super-cute unicorn cap, which I just had to compliment. Her mom told me it was for a friend's "unicorn-themed" birthday party she would be going to later that day.

Naturally, I had to tell the girl that unicorns were awesome and my most favorite fantasy creature. You should have seen her face; it was as if she had just won a million dollars or a lifetime supply of ice cream. I also told her I liked dragons, mermaids, and Pegasus, and she got excited at the mention of mermaids, too. She even told me flat out, "Unicorns are real!"

While I made sure to keep my focus on their order (and my job), I mentioned I was working on some unicorn stories and a unicorn coloring book of my very own, and we would "see what happens." Her mom was impressed, and at least twice, I leaned over the counter for a high-five.

Even now, I'm getting warm fuzzies just thinking about it.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Grandma and Grandpa's House

My maternal grandparents (my only surviving grandparents) have not been doing well lately. They've both shown their age for quite some time, but within these last couple of years, they have all but plummeted downhill.

It's gotten to the point where they're no longer safe in their own house. Just a month ago, Grandpa had an awful fall that resulted in a broken pelvis and several cracked ribs. He seems to be mending okay, but even before this happened to him, he's in his 90s, he can no longer stand up straight, his eyesight is just about gone, and he's needed a cane to get around. And Grandma has battled cancer twice and was recently diagnosed with dementia.

Needless to say, Mom and her siblings are worried sick. 

For now, Grandpa's staying in a rehabilitation center while my aunt and uncles take turns staying with Grandma. Since Grandma can't function on her own, and since it's becoming increasingly obvious that neither she nor Grandpa will ever be the same, there's been serious talk of selling their house. The house has been in the family for 60 years; Mom lived there since she was three. It won't be easy letting that house go, and one family member (I won't say who) had the audacity to ask for that house today, which puts a sickening knot in my stomach.

Furthermore, neither Grandma nor Grandpa will give up their independence without a fight. They're both adamant about staying where they are as long as possible, and Grandpa is not happy about where he's staying now. I can only imagine his reaction if he learned about the plans for his house, even though nothing is set in stone yet.

I know it's just a house. Still, that house holds a lot of memories (we spent a lot of Thanksgivings, Christmases, and Sunday dinners there) and as much as I hate seeing Grandma and Grandpa old and frail and hurting, I will definitely miss them when they go. The only comfort I draw is that Dad will be there to greet them. He was as much their son as Mom is their daughter and I'm sure it was a great shock when they learned of his sudden passing. At least they'll see him again, talk to him, and hug him a lot sooner than I will.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years