One last Halloween picture for the road, and another addition to my cute little "2020 Holiday Unicorn" collection.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
My Inktober 31 - Fantasy Halloween Party
And thus concludes another Halloween, another month, and another "Inktober" prompt.
Hope it's been a good one for you, mates, all things considered. Much love to you all.
Friday, October 30, 2020
My Inktober 30 - Halloween Goodies
And just like that, we have arrived at Halloween Eve.
The holiday may be a bit more low-key this year (my holidays are usually on the mild side) but this month-long prompt has done me a lot of good.
Some Halloween goodies are a real scream!
Thursday, October 29, 2020
My Inktober 28 and 29 - Disney Trick or Treat and My OCs on Halloween
I had to work (it's getting crazy at Kneaders and I really hope my voice holds out for the holiday rush) and Mom had to borrow my laptop for most of the afternoon, but that's okay. This is only a day late, and it's just for fun anyway.
Imagine getting that kind of sweet loot!
And Mickey, Donald, and Goofy aren't the only ones decked out in cool costumes!
Here are Romulus, his brother Tallis, and their wives all strutting their stuff at a Halloween party; this definitely one of my favorites!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
My Inktober 27 - Beowulf Howls
Out of all my characters, I consider Beowulf one of the best. At the risk of tooting my own horn, he's an incredibly complex character and that's what makes him so awesome.
He's not just one thing or another; he's not a bad guy, but he's far from a saint, too.
He may be nice(ish) but don't press your luck with him.
He'll make you laugh one minute, cry buckets the next, and he'll scare the pants off you the minute after that.
I like to picture him to the intro of Gargoyles or Batman: The Animated Series. He's a lot like Goliath and Batman: he can be quite intimidating, you don't ever want to get on his bad side, but if you're in trouble, he'll swoop to your assistance without hesitation or (much) regard for his own safety.
Monday, October 26, 2020
NaNoWriMo 2020
It's not just Scorpio, werewolves, and other mortal enemies Terence has to worry about.
My Terence is a unicorn turned human, and this is the story of how he comes to grips with his new body and his new life.
Yes, he loves Rhiella with all his heart, and he doesn't regret being with her one bit. On the other hand, Rhiella is still a princess, which means Terence has now taken on the responsibility of "prince" and ultimately "king." He's still learning to walk on two legs and to use a knife and fork correctly, and already he's got the weight of an entire empire pressing down on his shoulders.
He's terrified, to say the least.
Even Rhiella finds the task quite daunting, and she's the one who was born and raised this way. If nothing else, she has a better idea of what to expect than Terence does.
On top of that, many other people, other kings among them, don't show a shred of faith in this "new kid on the block." If it weren't for Rhiella and her father's hospitality, Terence wouldn't be living in a castle in the first place. There are some who believe without a grain of doubt that this so-called "prince" is not a prince at all and therefore should not be treated as such.
All that keeps Terence from going utterly mad, besides his friends, Rhiella, and his love for her, is his father-in-law, Raphael.
Raphael is like the father Terence never knew, his own father having disappeared from his life before he was even born. Likewise, Raphael, for all his love for his daughter, is proud to have a son at last.
But will it be enough? Can Terence rise up to the challenge set before him, even with his enemies still on the prowl? Is he better off as a man or a unicorn?
That, my friends, shall be the story I focus my time and creative energy on for National Novel Writing Month of 2020.
My Inktober 26 - Hero Villain Swap
Oh, man, I had so much fun with this! And a lot of people say my art style reminds them of this movie; I like this animation, so I'm flattered.
It goes without saying: there are bits and pieces of the story (and the characters) in my own story, too. Imagine Beowulf having a sarcasm showdown with Hades!
Sunday, October 25, 2020
My Inktober 25 - Venus Fly Trap
Another suggestion from a friend, and then I drew it in my own unique, funny, somewhat weird style.
Everything tastes much better with a dash of salt...even a platter of dead flies!
Saturday, October 24, 2020
My Inktober 24 - My Favorite Villains
I love Disney, and I love Disney villains. These are my top three favorite bad guys that never fail to be awesomely wicked, or wickedly awesome!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
My Inktober 22 - Cute Vampire
And we continue to get cuter and cuter! How much longer do you think the cuteness meter will last?
Terence and Reid aren't the only ones who love strawberries!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
My Inktober 21 - Cute Witch
Who says all witches have to be mean and nasty, or that all black cats are "bad luck"?
Even this makes me go, "Awwww!"
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
My Inktober 20 - Cute Little Ghosts
We're entering a "cute phase" this week, my friends.
How cute can I get? As always, I love a challenge!
Monday, October 19, 2020
My Inktober 19 - Halloween Horse
A classic costume for a horse, especially a jet-black one!
It's amazing how creative some people can get with dressing their pets up for Halloween. I even once saw this really adorable "Cerberus" costume for a dog, where the owner attached two artificial heads to either side of their dog. If you didn't pay close attention, you almost couldn't tell which head was which!
Sunday, October 18, 2020
My Inktober 18 - Candy's Dandy
And just like that, we are more than half-done with October, with only 13 days left before Halloween.
Well, here's something we'll have plenty of! This may not be one of my better pieces, but I do think the dog turned out quite adorable!
Saturday, October 17, 2020
My Inktober 17 - Super Mario
To this day, Mario remains my most favorite video game character, though Donkey Kong comes in at a VERY close number two!
There's just something about that charming little Italian plumber who collects stars and gobbles mushrooms that never gets old.
Friday, October 16, 2020
My Inktober 16 - Video Game Night
You win some, you lose some. But it's never cool to be a sore loser or a sore winner.
And boy, oh boy, did I play some of these games to DEATH growing up. Even to this day, I'll still play any game involving Mario or Donkey Kong.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
My Inktober 15 - Scary Movie
And we're back to "My Inktober." Yeah, not such a big fan of scary movies myself; I'd likely be hiding behind the couch with my popcorn, too!
Pinocchio Day
85 years
Wowsers, it feels so weird not posting artwork this time. I miss Inktober, but NaNoWriMo is going strong. Call me a nutcase but I stayed u...
Remember that "Musical May" challenge I did last year? Well, as you can most likely guess, I'm doing it again this year. As al...
And we're back to "My Inktober." Yeah, not such a big fan of scary movies myself; I'd likely be hiding behind the couch wi...