Monday, October 26, 2020

NaNoWriMo 2020

It's not just Scorpio, werewolves, and other mortal enemies Terence has to worry about. 

My Terence is a unicorn turned human, and this is the story of how he comes to grips with his new body and his new life. 

Yes, he loves Rhiella with all his heart, and he doesn't regret being with her one bit. On the other hand, Rhiella is still a princess, which means Terence has now taken on the responsibility of "prince" and ultimately "king." He's still learning to walk on two legs and to use a knife and fork correctly, and already he's got the weight of an entire empire pressing down on his shoulders. 

He's terrified, to say the least.

Even Rhiella finds the task quite daunting, and she's the one who was born and raised this way. If nothing else, she has a better idea of what to expect than Terence does. 

On top of that, many other people, other kings among them, don't show a shred of faith in this "new kid on the block." If it weren't for Rhiella and her father's hospitality, Terence wouldn't be living in a castle in the first place. There are some who believe without a grain of doubt that this so-called "prince" is not a prince at all and therefore should not be treated as such.

All that keeps Terence from going utterly mad, besides his friends, Rhiella, and his love for her, is his father-in-law, Raphael. 

Raphael is like the father Terence never knew, his own father having disappeared from his life before he was even born. Likewise, Raphael, for all his love for his daughter, is proud to have a son at last. 

But will it be enough? Can Terence rise up to the challenge set before him, even with his enemies still on the prowl? Is he better off as a man or a unicorn? 

That, my friends, shall be the story I focus my time and creative energy on for National Novel Writing Month of 2020. 

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