Tuesday, October 27, 2020

My Inktober 27 - Beowulf Howls

Out of all my characters, I consider Beowulf one of the best. At the risk of tooting my own horn, he's an incredibly complex character and that's what makes him so awesome. 

He's not just one thing or another; he's not a bad guy, but he's far from a saint, too. 

He may be nice(ish) but don't press your luck with him.

He'll make you laugh one minute, cry buckets the next, and he'll scare the pants off you the minute after that. 

I like to picture him to the intro of Gargoyles or Batman: The Animated Series. He's a lot like Goliath and Batman: he can be quite intimidating, you don't ever want to get on his bad side, but if you're in trouble, he'll swoop to your assistance without hesitation or (much) regard for his own safety.

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