Sunday, November 8, 2020

A New Cat?

An old friend of the family has just told me of a cat whose owner passed away, so they're looking for a new home for her. They can't keep her because she's completely declawed and they've already got three cats with all claws intact.

She's about six years old and completely litterbox-trained, although she has been known to throw up on occasion. (They say it vacuums up easily, though.)

Above all, she's very, very sweet.

Well, Mom and I talked about it and we agreed to at least go and visit her tomorrow, just to see what she's like up close and how well we'd get along. Even if we did take her, it wouldn't be for another week because we're getting a new carpet in my house. We'll be spending Friday night in a hotel.

The friend said all of that was no problem.

I even saw a picture of her. She's white with gray patches and a little black tip on her tail. A real cutie.

If we do get her, I'm thinking the name Pepper or Tippy, though Mom jokes about having a cat named "Mouse."

Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow night. I'll admit, I'm rather nervous about it...but also excited. It would be nice to have a cat again, and it'd be nice to have something good happen in 2020 for a change.

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