Monday, October 31, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 31 - A Real Monster

Confiteor deo

Beatae Mariae

Semper virgini
Beato Michaeli archangelo

Sanctis apostolis
Omnibus sanctis

Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
(Et tibit pater)
Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
(Quia peccavi nimis)

Then tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there?
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?
I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her raven hair
Is blazing in me out of all control
(Verb o et opere)

Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin

It's not my fault
(Mea culpa)
I'm not to blame
(Mea culpa)
It is the gypsy girl
The witch who sent this flame
(Mea maxima culpa)

It's not my fault
(Mea culpa)

If in God's plan
(Mea culpa)
He made the Devil so much stronger
Than a man
(Mea maxima culpa)

Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Esmeralda
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone

Now gypsy, it's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn!

(Kyrie eleison)
God have mercy on her
(Kyrie eleison)
God have mercy on me
(Kyrie eleison)
But she will be mine
Or she...will...BURN! 

And that's a wrap for another "Inktober" series! Hope you enjoyed it, mates, and a safe and happy Halloween to you all!

Now, onto NaNoWriMo 2022!

(All images property of their respective owners.)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 30 - Chernabog (Again)

It's become a little tradition to include Disney's Chernabog in my "Inktober" challenge, so I decided to keep the tradition going. 

If he didn't have so little screen time, he'd replace Judge Claude Frollo as my most favorite Disney villain. He'd send Beowulf running in a heartbeat. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 29 - Scuba Bride

Holy cow, there's only two "Inktober" entries left! And it's hard to believe it's already been a month since FanX; somehow, it feels like it's been longer. Then there's only two months left in the year, and then we get to do this all over again. 

Well, since underwater art is my specialty (or one of my biggest trademarks), I decided to do (take a wild guess) a bride in scuba gear. 

I hear it's possible to have an actual underwater wedding, but only if you and your guests are good swimmers and certified divers. Kyla, Reid, Mason, and Grace would have all loved a ceremony like that. Terence and Rhiella sure wouldn't have objected.

Friday, October 28, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 28 - Cute Frog

That's all I've got for now for "Forest Friends" (not the final title) though I'm toying with the idea of a friendly frog, toad, or snake.

I'd also like to create some kind of bear family that's half-adopted. Meaning we start out with one bear and his/her cubs who's a widow(er) and he/she falls in love with another bear with a couple of cubs who's divorced. They get married, so their cubs becomes each other's cubs and the cubs become each other's half-siblings.

For the bear who's divorced, he/she remains on perfectly nice terms with his/her ex, and the ex writes, calls, and visits the kids often enough. They're nice enough to where it's a bit of a surprise to everyone else that they got divorced; they just say they had some "grown-up problems" between them and "it just didn't work out." The ex doesn't even begrudge the second marriage, only hoping that the kids will be okay with this big change, having a stepmother/stepfather with new stepbrothers/stepsisters and all that stuff.

Getting off-topic, but I'm keeping the door wide open for an amphibian/reptile character. Just about all the animals get along quite nicely, with only a mild dispute on occasion.

Since this is based on Winnie the Pooh with Sesame Street thrown into the mix, my aim is to be as wholesome as possible. Goodness knows we could use more wholesome stories these days, more than ever. 

(All images property of their respective owners.)

Thursday, October 27, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 27 - Happy Hedgehog

Not too great with hedgehogs and this design is still subject to change. All the same, the idea of a friendly, plucky hedgehog appeals to me very much. 

Don't have a name, but I'm 99% sure I want the gender to be male, and he's the equivalent of a fine chap in his early to mid-20s. Everyone likes him fine, as long as they take care around his "stickers."

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 26 - Friendly Fox

I've always loved foxes. I couldn't get enough of Disney's Robin Hood as a kid, and I quite liked Tod from The Fox and the Hound. Nick Wilde from Zootopia is rather cool, too, as is Fox from The Animals of Farthing Wood

(Images property of their respective owners.)

I'm still juggling names for this particular fox. I'm deciding between Ace, Alex, Ian, Jack, and Brody. 

But he is, as the title denotes, very friendly. He's talented in many ways (a skilled runner, jumper, swimmer, you name it) but he remains humble and he encourages other animals to do their best. He always keeps an eye out for the little guys, like Pip the Mouse, and he's especially good friends with Flossy the Hare. 

Age-wise, he's somewhere in his late teens. He still lives at home with his parents and one or two siblings, all of which I have yet to invent. While they're a perfectly fine, stable family, he often turns to Grandpa Owl for advice, or when he needs more than one set of listening ears.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 25 - Grandpa Owl

Grandpa Owl is a very wise, caring bird, essentially a "grandpa" to everybody, even non-birds. 

Whenever someone needs advice or comfort, or a little help getting home late at night, he's always there. He's got an especially soft spot for children. 

And yes, he has a couple of grandchildren of his own, at least one grandson and one granddaughter, who visit him often enough and adore him to pieces. I haven't decided if he should have a son or daughter, or more than one child. Either way, he's "Grandpa" for real. 

But he's also a widower, and this is where I'll ease into more sensitive topics for kids. His wife hasn't been gone for too long; his grandkids remember her well enough and miss her almost as much as he does. Then he finds a "second love" with another elderly owl, a widow with a few grandkids of her own. They teach the lesson that there's no time limit to falling in love (or grief) and they also assure their grandkids that this doesn't mean their first grandma/grandpa is being replaced by any means, or loved any the less. 

I see wonderful potential for this character.

Monday, October 24, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 24 - Cute Hare

Another likely addition to my little "forest friends" idea. Everybody loves bunnies, so I thought up an adorable hare, who's a girl, and I'm considering the name "Flossy."

She's lively and fun, but also caring and cautious. She can get just a little carried away but she knows where the line is drawn, and she'll never put anybody in harm's way, least of all her friends. She's like Tigger with a tad more common sense, or like Fluttershy mixed with Pinkie Pie. She's also like the female version of Thumper.

I think I'm gonna like her!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 23 - Cute Mouse

Ever since I started working on that Winnie the Pooh group hug...

...I got to thinking about the possibility of a little cute series all my own, featuring woodland animals and a unicorn. Of course, Terence and Reid's stories are front and center, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to dabble on the side. 

One character I have in mind is a little field mouse, and he's got the personality of Piglet: very small and timid, but very sweet and able to rise to the occasion when needed. 

Tigger may be my most favorite Pooh character, but Piglet is an easy number two. So, this adorable little mouse will be a nice little kindred spirit. Can't decide yet if he should be gray or brown, light or dark. 

Name-wise, I'm considering Pipsqueak, or "Pip" for short. That's what I use on my Pippin. 

In any case, you know me when it comes to cute stuff. Cuteness meters are never safe!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 22 - Hook and Smee

By far, the best parts of Disney's Peter Pan and Return to Never Land are the scenes featuring Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. Those two absolutely steal the show and never fail to entertain me.


Thursday, October 20, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 20 - Bath

Not totally unheard of, especially if the tub is deep enough and full enough. That person's about as warm and clean as it's possible to get.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Sunday, October 16, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 16 - Unicorn Head

Not the most creative entry, but I still needed a break from elaborate detail. Unicorn heads are fun enough in their own way, especially the manes. 

For me, hair is the most fun (and sometimes the most aggravating) thing to draw. 



Saturday, October 15, 2022

Pinocchio Day

 85 years