Friday, October 28, 2022

My Inktober 2022 - 28 - Cute Frog

That's all I've got for now for "Forest Friends" (not the final title) though I'm toying with the idea of a friendly frog, toad, or snake.

I'd also like to create some kind of bear family that's half-adopted. Meaning we start out with one bear and his/her cubs who's a widow(er) and he/she falls in love with another bear with a couple of cubs who's divorced. They get married, so their cubs becomes each other's cubs and the cubs become each other's half-siblings.

For the bear who's divorced, he/she remains on perfectly nice terms with his/her ex, and the ex writes, calls, and visits the kids often enough. They're nice enough to where it's a bit of a surprise to everyone else that they got divorced; they just say they had some "grown-up problems" between them and "it just didn't work out." The ex doesn't even begrudge the second marriage, only hoping that the kids will be okay with this big change, having a stepmother/stepfather with new stepbrothers/stepsisters and all that stuff.

Getting off-topic, but I'm keeping the door wide open for an amphibian/reptile character. Just about all the animals get along quite nicely, with only a mild dispute on occasion.

Since this is based on Winnie the Pooh with Sesame Street thrown into the mix, my aim is to be as wholesome as possible. Goodness knows we could use more wholesome stories these days, more than ever. 

(All images property of their respective owners.)

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